
Following HIS Plan...

Here's the latest article I wrote for my boss who's in charge of the Academy's column in the local newspaper...

If you would have asked me two years ago where I would be working in 2006, The King's Academy would not have even made the list. Two years ago, I was graduating from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga with a degree in Psychology. My future plans? To find a decent job, get married, and have children. Little did I know, God had begun working in my life to change everything.

Since I graduated from college, I have worked as an Administrative Assistant at Sterling Engineering, in Maryville, TN, I have spent over 3 months living and working with a ministry in Matamoros, Mexico, and I recently spent 8 weeks as a summer missionary in New Orleans, LA. Somehow God has used each of these experiences in a unique way to prepare me for my current job at The King's Academy. For example, living in Mexico with 5 other girls in my room and 6 in another prepared me for living in a dorm with 35 girls and women. I can also empathize with the dorm students at TKA when they request special privileges such as going to Wal-Mart or their favorite fast food restaurant. I remember what it was like to have limited access and ability to run even the smallest of errands in Mexico. I have more compassion for the girls in the dorm because of the experience God allowed me to have in Mexico.

So what work did God begin that changed my life from normal to anything but normal? God knew me before I was born. He formed me in His image. Along with giving me life, He extended an invitation for me to accept Him as Savior and Lord of my life. Although I accepted His invitation for salvation at a young age, it was not until later in life that I truly understood and accepted His call to be Lord of my life. Since then, He has begun to change even the innermost desires of my heart to be lined up with His own. My priorities have changed. My desires have changed. And my future plans are sometimes as unknown as the plans of a High School graduate! But one thing is certain, God knows the paths my feet will tread. It is for this reason alone that I put my trust in Him and do not fear the unknown.. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future.'" (Proverbs 29:11 NIV)

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