
The True Size of Africa

My sister sent me an interesting graphic. It shows the true size of Africa when compared to other countries. I always knew Africa was a big continent, but it was only after coming here that I began to understand just how huge it really is. It took us over 7 hours to fly from this part of Africa up to Ghana. It takes that much or more to fly to Kenya. And Namibia is not the southernmost part and Ghana and Kenya certainly aren't the northernmost. Then when I saw this graphic, it put things into perspective even more. I thought I would share it with the rest of you. I'll also include a little blurb that went along with the graphic. I think a man named Kai Krause is the creator of this. You can google "True Size of Africa" and you'll get a lot of hits.

And while we're on the subject of maps. Here's a nice map of Namibia that I found printed on the back of one of the Environmental Studies books at the center. I like graphic maps like this. I've been to 13 or 14 of those towns listed, and passed through others. Namibia is such a unique country. So much variety in the scenery and landscape. I just love it! :)

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