Are you ready for some football?!

Well, before you answer that question... remember that in Africa--and most parts of the world--soccer is referred to as football.

This morning we played some football, or soccer, or whatever you want to call it. And it was AWESOME! :)

I got the idea to get some pick up games going after talking to another missionary mom. She was saying how she wanted Ethan, her 9 year old, involved in a soccer league, but she wasn't too impressed with the ones here. They were a bit elite, and honestly, she'd love for him to just be kicking around and having fun with the locals--and not just the white ones. The problem is, unless you're in a league, there's no good place to play. Our conversation was many months ago, but it sparked the idea that I should get some kids together and just have some fun playing soccer. Ethan could come. Also my sweet neighbor Simon and Nova's son Tudeski. We'd have to play in Katutura, because that's the only place with fields anyone can freely use. Though "anyone" would generally mean the locals who actually live in Katutura. Not a couple white girls and Ethan... but I felt confident that we'd be fine. I'd find a local guy to join us, and with the kids who know us, it would all be ok. Zeka agreed to join us and he, Candace, and I headed out to Katutura this morning for some fun! We picked up Ethan and Tudeski on the way, but unfortunately Simon couldn't join us this time.

Yesterday I had told a few boys at the center that we'd be coming this morning to play soccer. They helped me figure out which pitch ("field") to play on, and 9am was the decided time to meet. I knew that if a few of them came, a few other kids might already be on the pitch, and then I was pretty certain it wouldn't take long for others to join us as well. I wasn't fully certain how it would all turnout, but I knew it was worth giving it a go!

We were running a little late and noticed four from our FHS crew heading to the center... probably looking for us. We called them back to the pitch where there were several others and we organized ourselves to begin. Zeka did a great job telling the boys that they must play nice and fair or they would have to sit down during the game. They all agreed. We picked teams... the four from FHS and the five of us who'd just arrived against everyone else.

We had such a great time! I couldn't have asked for a better turnout. And all of the boys behaved so well. There was quite a range in ages and sizes. And the little ones were so adorable as they played their hearts out and were not intimated at all to run up and defend against a boy at least twice their size!

I had a few oohs and ahhs and some laughter as the guys realized I could actually play. 16+ years of experience should get you some attention, right? :) Candace quickly gained some confidence and definitely held her own. And Zeka was great, though he scored a few too many goals! :)

My favorite moment of the whole morning was when I passed the ball to Shihepo--one of my special buddies at the center--and he turned around and nailed the ball into the goal. His smile was even bigger than usual (if that's possible... that kid is always smiling!). I ran over to him, picked him up and spun him around. I was so proud of him! He's 10 years old, but a head shorter than Ethan who's 9.

At the end of our time, almost two hours later, we finished up by gathering around and praying. Zeka thanked the boys for behaving so well and challenged them all to be at church in the morning. He then thanked God for bringing us all together and allowing us to play without any serious injuries. (I only fell once... unfortunately on top of a big rock! But for a gal who's played on grass her whole life--except in Mexico--dirt and rocks are not an easy adjustment!)

Check out the fun photos for yourself. Queen (manager of bike shop) and her son Junior (from previous blog entry about bike race) came as well. I think Junior, only 7, was a bit too intimated to jump into the game. I asked Queen to take some photos. And then I told her that if Junior wasn't going to play, he could at least take some photos too. That made his day! He got right into the middle of the action, snapping photos left and right, with a big grin on his face the entire time. So thanks to him and his mom, we have some really wonderful photos to capture all the fun we had!!

Our team... well, most of them.

Me with Junior, the photographer

He got some great action shots, including this funny shot of him. And yes, this is how he took it. I assume he just turned the camera over and upside down and snapped. He's so clever. Here are his action shots...

These are two of our kids, Kambinda (with the ball) and Gabriel.

I love this one of Johannes. Both feet off the ground. Great shot, Junior!

Hugging and spinning around Shihepo after his fantastic goal! Look at that big smile!

Shihepo and his beautiful smile.

Bringing the great morning to a close and thanking God for His blessings.

Our crew, minus Shihepo who's taking the photo.

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