God’s call, will, and guidance.


One great thing about living in New Orleans is having the opportunity to take some interesting classes here at the seminary. I was reading for class last week and came to a section in the book concerning God's call and receiving daily guidance from Him. Both of those are crucial throughout my walk with the Lord, and I've had numerous discussions with some of my friends about this very subject. So mostly this posting is for those individuals who have questioned me about knowing God's will and receiving His guidance. The words below are not my words, but the words of Thomas Hale, the author of On Being a Missionary. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in missions or even anyone who just wants to go deeper with your faith, to explore issues you may not have considered before.

There are certainly many books and publications that speak of how to discern God's will. This is just one source among those. I like it because it is clear and succinct. His bluntness on the matter challenges me. Maybe you will gain something of worth from it as well.

An excerpt taken from:
Hale, Thomas. On Being a Missionary. Pasadena: William Carey Library, 1995.

Many [Christians] have trouble with this matter of guidance. They say they're not getting clear signals from God; they're confused. In a few cases, the problem is one of patience: they are hurrying God. But in the majority of cases the problem is that they don't really want to do God's will above all. They haven't yielded themselves to God; they're holding back. They are putting conditions on their service. "I'll do anything, God, but... I'll go anywhere, God, but..."

Sure, maybe they don't want to do "that" or go "there". Maybe God doesn't want them to either. But God isn't going to show them what He wants until they have removed all conditions and reservations from their offer of service.

So, how to receive guidance?

First, present to God your body, your total self.

Second, choose to know God's will.

Third, promise God you'll do it. Knowing it is not enough.

Fourth, be obedient to what you know is God's will right now.

Fifth, listen to the Holy Spirit. If we don't listen, He won't lead.

As long as we do these things, God will unfailingly lead us step by step. If we obey God where His will is obvious, we will discern His will in areas that are not so obvious. Jesus said, "Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness" (John 8:12).

If you are not "getting through" to God, it is most likely because you haven't fully yielded your life to him. As long as that situation persists, you will not get clear guidance, must less a clear call. You will never have the confidence you are in God's will.

Praying for guidance isn't a matter of asking God to bless plans you have already made. It's a matter of saying to God, "I want your plan." And remember, God may reveal no more of His plan than you need for today. We keep worrying about the future—what we'll do after our training, for example. God says, "I want you to do my will today." It makes no sense to pray about God's will for our future if we are ignoring His will for our present.

Funny, but for those who are totally yielded to God, discerning His will isn't such a big thing. It's only when our will gets in the way that we have to "struggle" to know God's will.

Are some worried that they might get out ahead of God, misread His call, and dash off to Nepal or wherever by mistake? Yes, it may be possible, but not common. For every person who jumps the gun on God, there are ten people who don't get off the starting life. Don't worry so much about making a mistake. God can easily stop you. His problem is starting you. You can't wait until you're "absolutely sure" of God's leading, or you'll never move. Christians "live by faith, not by sight" (2 Corinthians 5:7).

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