
Trusting God in the new year...

First, I hope each of you had a wonderful Christmas season! I had a fabulous time with my family and friends in Tennessee and even had a chance to see some old friends in New York City to ring in the New Year.

January 7th marked my one-year anniversary of living and working in New Orleans full-time. My, how 2007 flew by! So many new things learned, so many great ministry opportunities, and yet… there’s still plenty left here to learn, do, and be! I’ve been looking forward to 2008 because I view this new year as an opportunity for more growth and improvement in my own personal life, in the MissionLab program, and in the rebuilding of New Orleans.

This year started off well enough. I eased back into the office after the break. I’ve had time to run through my to-do list as we prepare for the new groups of volunteers this Spring and Summer. I’ve had some chances to get out into the city and minister to the needs of the community. Life is good. :)

Then… BAMM! This past week, something unexpected…

Linda Jackson, who came back with her husband to the seminary after serving for 10 years as missionaries in France and Tunisia has left Mission Lab (unexpectedly) to manage a different department on campus. After Hurricane Katrina, Bob and Linda basically rebuilt MissionLab from nothing. She’s been operating as Office Manager, but basically has had her hands in everything concerning what we do.

Long story short, with Linda gone, that leaves me carrying a huge load! Granted, I have directors over me, but as far as day-to-day logistics, I’m now the one doing the brunt of the office work, organizing, thinking!, etc. Let me put it this way… my title is Ministry Site Coordinator. I am a liason between the ministries in the city and the groups that come in from out of town. It is a full-time job. Now… for an indefinite period of time… I’m essentially taking on another full-time job on top of the one I already have. There are no plans to “replace Linda” per se. The duties are starting to fall on me… hard.

My prayer request: I need daily, God-given focus, clarity of mind, determination, wisdom, discernment, energy… and whatever else you want to throw in there!! :)

But allow me to share with you what I have already been learning through this. After all, although I was completely shocked by this event, God wasn’t. He has known all along that this was going to happen, and I have full peace and confidence in believing that He has prepared me for this challenge.

Soon after we heard the news, we all began straightening up our desks, realizing that more work and files would be coming our way. Bob started throwing his “trash” into a box. I noticed CDs, notepads, etc that I could use or recycle. He allowed me to sift through the items and in the box I discovered a pocket-sized book. I never throw away books, so despite its title I would have salvaged it. Upon closer inspection, however, I realized perhaps I’d found an even greater treasure than expected…

The book is called “The Red Sea Rules: The Same God Who Led You In Will Lead You Out” by Robert J. Morgan. Interesting title, considering my current emotions, so I started reading it… and didn’t stop.

What a blessing this book was to me during this time of what I’ve called “a harsh transition”! As I’ve read and meditated on the truths from this book, and subsequently from Scripture, I realized that many of you could probably benefit from these truths as well. My prayer is that you will either take the time now to read through these highlights or that you will save this message for a time when you might could use some God-given reminders.

(The dedication for this book was to “Katrina”, his wife. I paused, stunned, before proceeding to Chapter 1. After all, God brought me here through the events of that storm. Perhaps only if I’d read my own name would I been more surprised. …Although later in the book, the author tells a story of his daughter Hannah and God’s providence in providing her with the perfect apartment in Knoxville, TN!)

The Red Sea Rules:

Rule 1 -- Realize that God means for you to be where you are.
Rule 2 -- Be more concerned for God’s glory than for your relief.
Rule 3 -- Acknowledge your enemy, but keep your eyes on the Lord.
Rule 4 -- Pray!
Rule 5 -- Stay calm and confident, and give God time to work.
Rule 6 -- When unsure, just take the next logical step by faith.
Rule 7 -- Envision God’s enveloping presence.
Rule 8 -- Trust God to deliver in His own unique way.
Rule 9 -- View your current crisis as a faith builder for the future.
Rule 10 -- Don’t forget to praise Him.

“First, He has brought me here, it is by His will that I am in this strait place: in that fact I will rest.
Next, He will keep me here in His love, and give me grace to behave as His child.
Then, He will make the trial a blessing, teaching me the lessons He intends me to learn, and working in me the grace He means to bestow.
Last, in His good time He can bring me out again--how and when He knows.
Let me say I am here,
(1) By God’s appointment,
(2) In His keeping,
(3) Under His training,
(4) For His time.” -- Andrew Murray

“The next time you’re overwhelmed, instead of asking, ‘How can I get out of this mess?’ try asking, ‘How can God be glorified in this situation?’” -- R. J. Morgan

“I do not care what the circumstances may be, the Christian should never be agitated, the Christian should never be beside himself, the Christian should never be at his wit’s end, should never be in a condition in which he has lost… It implies a lack of trust and confidence in [God].” -- Dr. Martyn Llyod-Jones

“If God is for us, who can be against us?… In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” -- Romans 8:31, 37

“Whenever I haven’t known what to do, I’ve just tried to do what comes next, to take the next logical step by faith. I’ve decided that sometimes plodding is better than plotting when it comes to finding God’s will.” -- R.J. Morgan

“Faith is…
believing that what the Lord has said to us will be accomplished. (Luke 1:45)
being fully persuaded that God has the power to do what He has promised. (Romans 4:20-21)
believing that things will happen just as He has told us. (Acts 27:23-25)
considering Him faithful who has given us promises.” (Hebrews 11:11) -- R.J. Morgan

“The trust we put in God honors Him much and draws down great graces… When [God] finds a soul penetrated with a living faith, He pours into it His graces and favors plentifully; there they flow like a torrent.” -- Brother Lawrence

I realize that what I’m facing with my job isn’t a tragedy or a major hardship, although I’ve experienced both throughout the course of my life. This transition is going to have a great outcome; I have complete faith in that and in God to bring about His will. Regardless, it is something new. I’ve never had such an intense workload, but I thank God for His clear calling for me to be right where I am.

I know from prayer requests some of you have shared that 2007 has brought you and/or your family and friends some difficulties. I hope you will continue to share your prayers and concerns with me. Most importantly, I pray that you will find comfort and strength in the God who made you and has a good and perfect plan for your life. Maybe there’s something from the experiences of those mentioned above and wisdom from God’s own Word that can fill your mind and heart with peace.

Thanks again and always for your prayers and support!


Standing on the observation deck at the site of the Make It Right Project Brad Pitt is doing in the Lower 9th Ward (http://makeitrightnola.org/)

Celebrating Christmas with the family at Mom's...

with Dad & Kelly...

with my cousin Riker

Freezing in NYC with Katie

Hanging out with Stacy during her January visit to New Orleans

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1 comment:

-NC said...

Where is the MissionLab staff picture on the site???

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