Before arriving in Namibia, I was blessed to be able to spend 3 nights in Johannesburg with my dear friend Cindy McClamma. Cindy and I were together as missionaries with AIM in Namibia. She was there for over two years and we both left the same week. I've seen her one other time briefly in Brentwood since our time in Namibia. It was so wonderful to be able to spend these few days with her in South Africa! The last time we were in South Africa together was on our exciting road trip to Cape Town with her daughter Brandi and our friend Kitty. Good memories! And most of the time we were together last week that's what we talked about... good memories. There were so many during our 18 months together in Namibia! Special times at FHS, unpredictable road trips, and just spending time together in each others' home or out to lunch or a movie...
Cindy is now serving another two year term at the Southern Region office in Johannesburg. While it is a highly administrative role, she also gets to travel to the various countries where AIM serves, meet many of AIM's missionaries and staff, be active in the local church, and spend time getting to know and ministering to those God has put in her path in Johannesburg. I loved listening to her stories and hearing how God has been working in and through her since she arrived in South Africa in April of last year.
On Wednesday we drove around Kempton Park and some of the surrounding neighborhoods. We browsed a mall, had a wonderful lunch, and found a flea market. It looked just like a flea market you'd see in Tennessee, except for a few variations in products. Thursday she took me to Walter Sisulu National Botanical Gardens right outside the city of Johannesburg. It was a beautiful day and we had a relaxing time walking around and admiring God's creation. The trails ended in a stunning waterfall.
I'll end this by sharing some photos from that day. I regret that I don't yet have a photo to post of Cindy and I together, but I will add that as soon as I'm able. On Saturday I will have time when I travel through Johannesburg to see Cindy once again. I look forward to having lunch with her and telling her all about my week in Namibia. She was able to revisit Namibia this past April and I enjoyed hearing all about that trip. Now it will be my turn to give her updates about all of our special friends here. :)
Enjoy the photos!!
Cindy said this looks like something the Addams family would plant. I found myself attacked by thorns and stickers trying to snap the shot. Reminder #1 about Africa... you can't just go tromping through the weeds. There are many more thorns than I'm used to back home!
The weaver birds are busy at work. Apparently the males are the ones who build the nests to attract prospective mates. If the female approves she may help him finish the nest. We sat and watched them for a while. Cindy snapped this great photo with her zoom lens.
Other than some other strange birds, there was not much wildlife. Usually I'm posting photos of lions or elephants! But we did happen upon some interesting insects. Grasshoppers or locusts to be exact. These green ones were sneaky at first... quite camera shy. Finally we met this guy who seemed content enough to pose for a photo.
We were most fascinated by their beautiful colors shown when they are in flight. We tried and failed to get a good shot until I eventually happened on one that was hopping and flying around near the ground. I followed him for several minutes, took dozens of shots, and thankfully got a few in focus. And I did have one grasshopper attack me... so that was our excitement for the day! :)
Cindy let out a gasp when she saw this last guy. I was expecting a spider but jumped when I spotted him just inches away from my hand. He's a mean looking dude! Especially compared to our other rainbow friends!
In 2005 God asked me to surrender my life to His plans and purpose. Everything changed. From Mexico to New Orleans to Namibia to Haiti it's been one incredible adventure with the Lord after another. This blog is a piece of that journey.
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