
Lions and tigers and DINOSAURS?

Which of the following cannot be found in Namibia:

A) Lions
B) Tigers
C) Dinosaurs

If you answered (B), you are correct….

Ok, so there aren’t any dinosaurs still living in Africa, but they’ve left their mark.

Mom and Judy came at a great time. They were here for the last full week of FHS, and then with school closing on the 23rd Falconer and I were freed up to travel during the remainder of their time with us. We hit the ground running on the 24th and headed north to Omaruru. I didn’t really know anything about this town aside from the fact that dinosaur tracks are located nearby—an attraction on Falconer’s “must see” list. We arrived in Omaruru late afternoon and set out to find the tracks, barely reaching them before sundown. We quickly followed the owner of the farm to the tracks, took a few photos, and headed back to the car. It was practically dark by then, so we carefully headed back into town, eyes sharply on the lookout for wild animals—the biggest danger here when driving at night.

We had a lazy morning on Sunday and headed to Erindi, a private game ranch about 60km from Omaruru. Our time at Erindi was what I have been looking forward to the most. I’ve been on a couple smaller game drives since living in Africa, but this would be my first real safari! Erindi met and exceeded my expectations. We walked out onto the patio after we checked-in and the first thing I saw were several hippos sunbathing by the watering hole. Nearby, some giraffes were having their lunch. It was so surreal. We basically ate, slept, and went on game drives for the next two days. This is Africa!

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