
We are not our own!

For many people, the most difficult part of following Christ is dying to self. In Matthew 16:24 Jesus tells His disciples, "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me." In other words, Jesus is telling His followers to give up their rights to themselves. The Bible says that we have been bought with a price--the blood Jesus shed for each of us on the cross. When something is bought, it belongs to the one who purchased it. The point: we no longer belong to ourselves. WE ARE NOT OUR OWN! Now in a society where we are taught to be confident, independent, and in control of anything we want to be in control of, many find this to be quite an opposing--and possibly frightening--concept. But Jesus goes on to say that although we may die to ourselves while on Earth, we gain an eternal life that is worth the cost. ("…and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.")

My journey has led me to this place on several occasions. When I spent time as a missionary in Mexico I had to give up many rights of comfort including my living conditions and social environment. I have had the wonderful opportunity this semester to work at The King's Academy. God opened a door for me to teach Bible, ESL, organize many chapel services, help out with the soccer team, and even live and work in the girls' dorm. I gave up certain rights as part of this job--my normal routine and social life, family time, and even attending my own church regularly. But the biggest right that I've surrendered is choosing when and where I am to serve God. It has only been one semester, and although I would love to stay and plant my roots even deeper, God has called me back to New Orleans. It's not even the devastating state of New Orleans that requires this move, it's simply God's call for this time in my life. I could try to fight it, try to rationalize not going by thinking of how much I'll miss my students, friends and family here and how much they'll miss me. But I've experienced too much from verses like Matthew 16:24, where in many versions it even says that this death to self should be a daily decision. I believe this is true.

Each morning we have the choice to rise from bed and either give the day, our mind, body, heart, and our service completely to God, or try to hoard it all for ourselves and attempt to tackle it on our own. Even though I may die many deaths to my own desires throughout my years, God exchanges it all for a peace unlike any other--a peace in knowing that I am living a life of true surrender with Him guiding my every step.

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