Adventures with Red Cross


So the last 30 hours have been super exciting! :) Our first assignment was loading boxes from the 4th floor of the Red Cross headquarters into the truck on the ground (elevator broken of course). I was pleased to realize that I was in better shape than I thought. I was going up and down the stairs before some of the older folks had reached the second level. I suppose the hiking, rock climbing, and all of the other fun activities I've done lately have paid off. :) It was nice to feel useful.

Later that day, some Penske trucks had to be moved from the rental store to the Second Harvest warehouse. First I was given the keys to a regular-sized moving truck. It was similar to driving a 15-passenger van--which I'm very used to. The next trip, I received keys to a 26 footer! That thing was huge! I had to climb steps just to get into the driver's seat. Safe to say, I've never driven anything that big in my life. It was a blast!!! I got praised for a tough turn I took like a pro. :) Next, a 26 footer... six speed!! That was the most intimidating, but I passed that one as well with flying colors. I've driven a few more since then, most recently to bring a truck back to the Northshore. For all you non-locals, the Northshore is simply north of Lake Ponchartrain. One of the main missions I had today was to take a big truck with another lady to Sam's and purchase 10 pallets of water. We had them loaded and took them to the Amtrak station downtown where the "bus system" was underway. Since this morning, the elderly and disabled have had a jump start on receiving aid via buses and other assistance. There were lines of people everywhere waiting their turn to board and get out of town. News crews were everywhere, and I don't think I need to mention how hot it is. The heat index yesterday was around 100. Same today I'm sure.

For now, I'm staying at a Red Cross staff shelter in Covington, LA. The phrase that has come out of my mouth more than any so far is, "This is so much fun!" Last night I was laughing at the situation. Grown men and women spread all over the place in cots. Big New Orleans style cockroaches everywhere. A couple ladies FREAKED OUT over a cockroach under their cot. It woke everyone up and I couldn't stop laughing at them. I suppose I felt their pain because I'm pretty freaked by spiders... but cockroaches aren't really anything to me and I just watched as the lady stood 15 feet away from her cot and just stared in that direction, arms-crossed. I'm not sure what that was going to solve, but apparently she thought it was effective and eventually tiptoed back to bed.

I hear rumors that they are going to move us further north since Gustav is looking pretty intense. I will let my family know what city I'm in if I move and I'll try to send out another update at some point if I can. Mostly, just know that I'm safe and I'm having the time of my life... as usual. :) Thanks for your prayers. Please continue to pray. Although I enjoy being here and active in whatever might happen, my heart is broken and I'm kind of in shock at the reality of this situation. If anything close to Katrina happens, I don't know how I will process it. I don't say that AT ALL to put any attention to me in that regard. My heart goes out to everyone else. It's just hard to wrap my mind around the possibility of watching a city I've poured myself into the past two years back in the same situation it was when I started. That will be a hard pill to swallow, but I know that God is in control and I have complete faith and trust that He knows exactly what He's doing even if we don't understand it now (or ever).

Love and blessings,

[The picture I took from my phone. It's a fuzzy pic of the staff shelter. And this is when there were only about 40 people there. By this morning there were about 100 people spread out everywhere. Supposedly 200 more were coming today. I think they've found us another shelter as well (although again, we may be moving as early as in the morning).]

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