
My latest update

I have been super busy with support raising efforts, organizing MY LIFE, spending time with friends and family, and whatever else has fallen in between. I appreciate your prayers and encouragement as I try to keep up with all my priorities while maintaining the energy needed for my giant to-do list. I can't tell you how excited I am for the journey ahead of me, and I am looking forward to being on the other side of all this planning and organizing that comes before I actually step foot on the field.

Counting down the days
The countdown has begun! In 64 days I'll be leaving Maryville, TN on my way to Namibia, Africa. I'll spend two days at AIM's headquarters in Pearl River, NY before heading off on the 26th to call a new continent my home for the next two years. Perhaps a more important countdown is the one that ends in 35 days! May 26th is the deadline for me to have reached 100% of my monthly support target. Currently, I'm around 40% of that goal. I cannot thank you enough who have given generously towards my outgoing and monthly financial needs. I love that my ministry in Africa depends on God using people to work as a team to fulfill His purpose in my life and beyond. I am looking forward to the stories that I will share from my time in Namibia, hoping that each time you read them you'll realize the huge role YOU are playing in making it happen through your prayers and support. For many of you who have mentioned that you'd still like to support me financially, now is the time to let AIM know of your intentions so that I can reach the May 26th deadline. Let me know if you need me to send you a pledge card that you can either email back to me, mail it to me, or mail it directly to Africa Inland Mission. Also, if you have made an online donation that will be a monthly recurring donation, make sure AIM receives the pledge card because they require that pledge card in order to have proper documentation that your giving will be on a monthly basis. (See link to the right "Confused about Pledging, Giving and Support" for more information.)

Support raising event in Maryville, TN this Saturday
If you live in the area, be sure and come out this Saturday, April 25th for Missions Bazaar 2009. We'll have loads of local vendors, a yard sale, bake sale, refreshments and more all to benefit my upcoming work in Namibia. I'll have a booth selling my jewelry. :) It's from 8am-2pm at Binfield Community Center, 3846 Morganton Road. We're really hoping for this to be a great success and I hope you'll stop by to help make it so! I can also use help for any of you who can man a yard sale or bake sale table for an hour or more to multiply what my two hands can do on their own! :) Let me also include a prayer request. Please pray for my dear friend Bunny Roach and her family. Bunny has been a great help in organizing some support raising events including this one. She found out last week that she has cancer and is having surgery tomorrow.

Thanks again for everything you're already doing to pray for me and encourage me. I hope to see many of you before I head out in June. Let me know how I can pray for you and keep me posted on what God is doing in your life!

Tiffany and Jenny (best friends from college) came for a visit this weekend and we had a wonderful time hanging out and catching up!

"Slim" The sweetest dog we rescued Saturday in need of a home. I had him vaccinated today and I'm trying to fatten him up. Let me know if you or anyone you know is interested. I've always had a heart for orphans... human or otherwise! But we can't keep him. :(

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1 comment:

Katie said...

Hey! I will be there on Saturday! :)

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