
My departure for Namibia is drawing near!‏

I am just days away from receiving final clearance for my June 24th departure. I lack about 15% of my monthly support goal, which translates to my current need of roughly $275 more per month. I have been blessed beyond measure by the team of people God has been building up around me. Africa Inland Mission and similar organizations are not joking when they call themselves faith-based missions. It definitely takes a leap of faith to try and raise 100% of my support in such a short amount of time. Again, God has been so faithful! At first people would ask me when I was leaving for Namibia and I would say, “If all my support comes in, I will leave June 24th”. After only a few weeks into my support raising efforts I began to see God move in ways I never imagined. It became clear to me that God was beside me, behind me, going before me, and that He completely indwelt my call to Africa. I quickly stopped using the word “if” and confidently replied that I am leaving June 24th. There is no doubt in my mind that the funds I need will come in, and that even in the few days left until my deadline, God will continue to provide through people like you. As I can’t help but include in these updates, thanks to all of you who have been praying diligently and have given generously as I prepare for this new journey.

As I embark on this new chapter of my life, I’m hesitant to call it an adventure. While certainly it will be filled with much excitement—with new sights to explore, enchanting people to meet, and not to mention the hope of at least one safari ride—I find it hard to believe that some of the great missionaries who have gone before us went out seeking an adventure. They went out to worlds unknown because of a calling, and more than a calling—a duty. Truth is, there is a heavy weight in my desire to help those who can’t help themselves and to love those whom others have forgotten. And while most everyone agrees that it won’t be easy, sometimes I still need to remind myself that it will be hard. I don’t mention all of this for sympathy votes (or should I say sympathy prayers… although I certainly covet your prayers), I mention it as a reminder to us (myself included) that as I am stepping out on this mission, I am stepping out with increased gravity in my step, perhaps heavier than I have ever experienced. The statistics are staggering of how many people are dying in this world who have never even heard the message of hope in Christ—around 2 billion! And many of the people in Africa are dying young because of the HIV/AIDS pandemic that is sweeping across the continent. As I’ve mentioned before, 1 in 3 children born in Namibia today will be orphaned before adulthood. Can we even imagine a statistic like that in the towns we’ve grown up in? Yes, there are needs here in this country and I thank God for the wonderful opportunities I have had to be in ministry here in the U.S. It is our duty as Christians to shine God’s light to the world in every part of the world, especially wherever we find ourselves today. It is my prayer that we all do our part in what God has created and called each of us individually to do. If we each do that, then this world would experience a revolution (some like to use the word “revival”) like never before. My part to play (for now) is in Namibia, Africa, among orphans and vulnerable children who are desperate and completely without hope unless someone takes it to them. What is your part to play in revolutionizing the world? You don’t have to cross oceans to change the world (although I’ll save you a seat on the safari ride). Making a difference in this world starts in your own home, on your street, and wherever God calls you to go. And let me add that He will call; the question is, are you listening?

If you feel led to give towards my ministry with Africa Inland Mission, click here.

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1 comment:

Katie said...

I am so happy for you. I cannot wait to hear all of what God is working through you. :) Here is my cell number, if you ever wanna give me a call. I am in Mississippi working right now, and will be back in July for a few weeks before Africa. I too feel your heart on a) FAITH! That has been the driving force behind these few months and b) just that "statistic"--it is staggering how many people are dying without Christ and we sit back and say, "Someone else will go." That is why I am so happy God has called me to this work. So maybe He can use me to light other people's hearts on fire. :) Talk soon!

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