
Making a difference... one belly at a time!

Pictured above: Oma and Esther preparing lunch for the children at FHS.

In the foreground: Eggs... made possible by some dear friends of mine...

During one of my last visits to New Orleans before leaving for Namibia, I met up with two dear friends of mine--Robert Claverie and his wife Ann. Robert is an incredible man whom I had the privilege of meeting in 2006. I was immediately impressed by his servant's heart. He is up every morning cutting up vegetables from his garden to give to the poor, or taking a senior citizen to the grocery, or helping with repairs on a neighbor's house. He is truly an inspiration. And in everything he does, he points to Jesus--desiring for Him to receive all the glory.

As I was saying goodbye, they gave me some money to "feed the children" in Namibia. Robert was always one to feed people. He's filled my belly with some incredible food over the years! And I have vivid memories serving food with him to the homeless living under the bridge downtown.

I've been in Namibia for some time now, but I haven't forgotten my promise to use that money to feed the children here. With advice given by my mom's dietitian friend, I am using the money to purchase eggs for FHS. It is no secret that children living in poverty do not eat a balanced diet. The dietitian suggested that eggs can be a great addition to their diet, providing essential vitamins, protein, iron, and amino acids. That information made my decision for how to best "feed the children" an easy one. Oma and Esther can easily add eggs to several of their dishes, especially the rice. I plan to provide them with several dozen eggs once a week until the money runs out.

I am so grateful for servants like Robert and Ann. It reminds me that everyone can make a difference whether in his own community or on another continent (or both!). Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Claverie for making a difference in the lives (and bellies) of the children at FHS!!

You can read about Robert being mentioned in two previous blog posts from 2006:
Coming Home from New Orleans and Lessons Learned.

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