
Urgent Prayer Request


Many of you have seen my posts on Facebook and have already been praying for a man named David Bompart. David has been serving in Haiti for years. He and his wife Nicolle founded a non-profit for widows and orphans called Eyes Wide Open International. Eyes Wide Open is partnering with some of the groups coming to the God’s Planet Guest House to build a 40-bed orphanage outside of Croix des Bouquets. David was down here helping to oversee that project. He and his wife also adopted a little boy from Haiti who underwent several life-saving surgeries.

On Wednesday, David was shot in the abdomen. I’ve heard two different stories concerning the motive. One says he was followed from the bank and the intention was to rob him, another says a motorcycle turned over beside his car and the men shot him out of a road rage reaction. Either way, David was shot and was rushed to MediShare, a nearby hospital. David had previously served at this hospital and it’s one of the best in the country. Even still, because of David’s condition, it was agreed that he should be flown to the States for further urgent care. While they had hoped to fly him all the way to Columbus, Ohio, they ended up landing in Miami.

His wife created a Caring Bridge site to keep everyone updated on David’s condition and current prayer requests. You can sign up to receive updates at www.caringbridge.org/visit/davidbompart. In Nicolle’s own words, here are specific ways you can pray for David.

“We need a speedy recovery. We need for David’s body to do a 180 degree turn in the opposite direction right now! Pray that God will heal him. Pray that the swelling in his body dramatically reduces in the next 24 hours. Pray that his kidneys are restored to full function. Pray that his blood pressure will stabilize. Pray that he can be weaned off all medications that are sustaining his blood pressure. Pray that his body will stop fighting against him and begin to accept the blood and fluids back into his body instead of rejecting it. Pray that there is no additional damage being caused by the bullet still lodged in his body. Pray without ceasing. We know that God has a plan for David and that He loves him beyond measure.”

The night before David was shot, he and Greg came to the guest house and led the volunteers in a time of praise and worship. David brought a guitar and as I was sinking off to sleep in the next room, I listened as the house filled with voices lifted together to praise the One who knows all and loves all. David would have never imagined the events that would occur the very next day. But anyone who knows David knows that he trusts in the Lord and His plan unswervingly. May we all be challenged by his faith.

I will close with some words I wrote to my family after this happened. Since 2005 my family has waved goodbye to me as I’ve headed off to Mexico, New Orleans, Israel, Namibia, Haiti, and everywhere in between. We can’t pretend that the world is safe, and that my traveling to some harsh regions of the world doesn’t increase the likelihood I could face danger. But we also can’t ignore the fact that anything could happen to any of us, anytime, anywhere. My family certainly knows that well.

“I always struggle with how much to say and how much not to when I am still in a country where such an event happens. I certainly don’t want to cause reason to worry even more than naturally you already do with me living here. But I also know that you are all knowledgeable about the world to know Haiti has its dangers but also to realize and accept the fact that anything could happen to us anywhere at any time. We can be thankful for every new day the Lord gives us and how He protects each of us in ways we will never even know.

We can’t try to hide from danger. It’s everywhere. We can be smart, which I always am. Even if there are times I wouldn’t personally care to do this or that, I do consider all of you and how you care about me and I try not to do anything I couldn’t tell you I did. J

I wish you all could come see this country and the people and know why I love being here and loving the people despite the evil that is here just like it’s found in other places as well.”

Thank you for your prayers! Please keep them coming! And continue to pray for the other volunteers who are serving here in Haiti, especially the ones coming through this guest house. All of the volunteers this week heard about what happened to David while they were still in the States preparing for their arrival in Haiti. I can imagine their anxiety in hearing the news just days before boarding a plane to come here. I am thankful for their willingness to serve despite the tragedy. We know David would want the work to continue and I’m thankful for God’s strength and the perseverance of His saints.

There are many articles online about David and the shooting. This one is probably the most accurate. http://www.wsyn.com/news/articles/local/21006533283468/so-fla-volunteer-shot-robbed-in-haiti/.

Like many independent missionaries and volunteers, David does not have medical insurance. If you feel led to assist David and his family with their quickly mounting medical bills, please visit: https://sna.etapestry.com/fundraiser/IntotheField-ITF/bigdave/.

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