Settling back in

There are more than a few contrasts when it comes to East Tennessee vs Namibia. For example, here is a photo of what East Tennessee looked like as I was taking off from there earlier this week...

Now here's a photo as I was landing in Namibia two days later...

Just a tad different, wouldn't you say?

Driving around many parts of the States vs driving around in most of Namibia looks a bit different as well...

But there's one thing that doesn't change too much from place to place... great friends!! And I don't say that to be sappy. It's really true! God blessed me by the love and support of my friends and family back home, and He blesses me here through amazing people as well.

I had these yummy granola bars waiting for me when I got home. My new roomies Candace and Heather had made them especially for me. How sweet! (No pun intended.)

I've received a warm welcome and plenty of hugs by all my dear friends at FHS. And it's been great catching up with my dear friend Nova and her family. Matthew is getting so big! He looks like a little man!

So despite the differences (no Starbucks, no Olive Garden, no peaceful trips down a river not infested with crocodiles and hippos...), I'm happy to be back and get settled back into the routine here. I went to FHS for a couple hours yesterday and had a wonderful reunion with staff and kids alike. I'm looking forward to getting back into the full swing of things next week!

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