The Real World

The other night I was sitting around with my brother. He was watching TV and I was on the computer. I went to to see what's happening in the world and I started reading him an article about a couple who was jailed for serious child abuse charges. You can read the article by clicking here. It's pretty horrific. I told him, "I go to when I feel like getting depressed." I mean, let's admit it, reading about the news in the U.S. and across the globe generally does not lift my spirit. There are terrible things happening all around us. I added to my statement a bit by saying, "It's good for me to read up on the news from time to time as a reminder that this world is not 'my world'". Because "my world"... my day to day... my past, my present... It's all been and is very good. I've been blessed with so much. Yes, there have been challenges. Yes, my family has suffered tragedies. But when I compare it to the atrocities that millions of people in this world are facing, I cannot complain. It breaks my heart to see on TV or read in the paper about children suffering needlessly in so many countries, and even in this country. I am saddened by recent events such as the two couples murdered by pirates and the dozens of people killed by the earthquake in New Zealand last week. And these are just two out of countless headlines across the globe reporting news that I could never even imagine being a reality of "my world". And here I will insert a disclaimer to say that I know "my world" could be turned upside down at any moment. I'm not so bold as to say that I could never face similar tragedies. But that's not exactly my point so I'll move on.

I started reading a book called The Jesus Creed. I haven't finished it, though I hope to... if I can stop starting multiple books at one time! The beginning of the book goes into depth about "The Lord's Prayer" and really incorporating that into your prayer life. To me, "The Lord's Prayer" was always something for churches a bit more liturgical than what I'm used to. Of course I know the prayer. It's often recited in public gatherings, and we said it sometimes as a team before soccer games in high school. But I've never considered it much beyond the recitation. That night, after reading that specific chapter on "The Lord's Prayer", I decided to include it in my own bedtime prayer. I changed it up a bit, adding things here and there to really grasp the meaning and offer it up to God. When I got to the part that says "Give us this day our daily bread", I paused for a while. I realized that I've never in my life had to wonder where my next meal was coming from. I've never been hungry to the point of starvation. If I'm honest, I can say that I've never thought to trust God in faith that He will provide for me in regards to my daily need for food. Food has always been an assumption. It's always been accessible. I've always had the means to get it pretty much anytime I want. Are you getting this? This is "my world". And likely... if you're reading this blog, this is your world too. We take so much for granted.

The purpose for this blog entry... well, I'm not really sure what the purpose is. I just had some thoughts I wanted to jot down. But I can tell you one purpose this blog entry is not for... It is not to put a guilt-trip on any of us for what we have, how accessible food or anything else is to us, etc. But just like my visits to or other national and international news sources, I don't want to be so far removed from the rest of my world that I start to feel like "my world" is the only one in existence. That is wherein lies the danger. That is where we get complacent. That is where we can get lazy when there are wars raging all around us for peace, justice, and everything else we take for granted here in our comfy chairs. It is crucial that we look outside ourselves. That we realize that not everyone gets to simply assume this standard of living. WE are the minority. Yet we hold so much power to help, heal, and protect. Will you join me as I step outside my world to make a difference in the real world?

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1 comment:

Carl Wilkens said...

Yes yes yes! thanks, great words and thoughts to chew on! I will share with several friends. peace carl wilkens

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