
My Namibia Video

This is the video I put together for the presentation I did at my church--and those to come.

These are photos and short video clips mostly taken since the last video I made in July 2010 marking my one year anniversary in Namibia. You can view that video by clicking here.

When I showed this video to my church, I had to hold back the tears as I looked into the eyes of those precious children who hold such a special place in my heart. I miss them more than words could ever describe.

I wish you could all have the opportunity to meet these children, to hold them in your arms, to laugh with them, and wipe away their tears. I hope you will open yourself up to an experience like this--if you haven't already--where you have the chance to serve and love the least of these. Your life will never be the same. I know I am not the same as I was before these children came into my life.

I don't think it's appropriate for me to tell you to "enjoy" this video. But I pray that you will be captured by the faces of the children in this video. That you will see a glimpse of what I see when I look in their eyes... the longing and the desperation to be loved and cared for... the innocence... the hope for a future... and in the second half of the video, the pure and sweet joy they have that so many of us have lost.

Be challenged to love. Be challenged to act. Be challenged to find your own Namibia and change the world one life at a time.

If you would like for me to speak at your church, Sunday School class, small group, etc, let me know. I'm always excited to share about my time in Namibia, what God is still doing there, and how He is leading me as I continue in ministry stateside and wherever He leads from here!

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TheBowlingFamily said...

Such a great video and song! I pray that your testimony moves more Christians to action!

Abbie said...

Beautiful Video.

Amanda Larsen said...

THANK YOU! for the video. I found your blog through AIM's main website. I'm joining the mission field in Namibia starting this September (starting with 8 months) so I'm sooo excited! When are you heading back to Namibia. I see you are in NY right now.

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