The shoes millionaires wear

Tonight I was browsing through one of my friend's photo albums on Facebook. My friend Nat first served in Haiti through Baptist Global Response and now is serving with Samaritan's Purse. He started a photo album called "Haiti one picture at a time". Nearly every day, he makes a conscious effort to snap a photo of the day. He'll then include a lengthy caption to explain the photo or what the scene captures for him. On his Day 155, he posted a special photo that I wanted to share with all of you. His day 155 (Sunday) would have been my Day 30, but I left on Saturday, Day 29.

On Sundays, the volunteers often go to church with the children from the Lamb Center. The first Sunday I did this, we took the 15 passenger van and Nathan (another SP friend) and I made 3 trips back and forth to pick the kids up and drop them at the church. The second Sunday I did this, Nathan and I decided to walk with the children, probably the more appropriate option. The church is on the same street not far from the Lamb Center--though it feels much farther with 63 kids in tow on a hot Haitian morning!

I would have loved to have stayed in Haiti for one more Sunday. The children all shuffle up to the front and spread out along the stage wherever they can find a spot. Most sit in a line, feet dangling below, others cram behind the pulpit facing the back wall. When it's time to worship through singing, I can pick out their little voices and see some of them bobbing their heads, lifting their hands, some even making some room to dance. And all throughout our morning worshiping together, I swap smiles with them, even a funny face or two!

But back to Nat's photo of the day...

This was his first Sunday going to church with the children at the Lamb Center, so it was a great setting for his photo of the day. He writes in the caption, "It was so cute seeing them all dressed up and wearing these new dress shoes that someone had just bought for them." That "someone" was so many of you!! (Thank you again!) But I love what Nat recounts next...

One of the little boys came up to me and said [in Creole] "Sa se soulye millionaire." Translation: "These are the shoes millionaires wear."

That makes my heart smile! I was so blessed to be able to be there and witness their excitement in person as I helped many of them find the perfect pair of shoes to fit their bare feet. But hearing that they are still talking about and thankful for this special gift blesses me all over again! An orphan who feels like a millionaire... now THAT is a joyful day! And as children of the Almighty Father and Provider, I pray that they will have many more days just like it. Not simply from material things, but from the best gift of all--eternal life, love, and hope secured through Jesus Christ!

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