Sown, watered, and growing!

The following is a story I've been wanting to share for a couple months. It is about a dear friend of mine named Nova. I met Nova when I served as a missionary in Namibia. I've shared about Nova and her family in previous blog entries, but I wanted to write out this story since returning from my August visit to Namibia. 

Nova is a waitress at a restaurant called Vintage. The first time I went to Vintage, neither myself nor my friend Linda had much cash on us. Nova confirmed I could pay with a card. When the time came to pay, however, my particular card was not accepted. The only option was for me to bring cash the next day to cover the remaining balance. I promised Nova I would. She was understanding and so sweet about the whole thing. In the meantime (I later learned), Nova had to cover the missing money with her own tip money. When I showed up the next day, Nova was delighted to see me and gave me a big hug! From that time on, every time I went to Vintage, I would ask to be sat in Nova's section. Or if I was given another waitress I would always ask for her and we'd chat for a while. Same sweet smile and big hug every time. Nova has such a special spirit about her. I would go with different friends and family to eat at Vintage, and everyone agreed.

A couple months later, I noticed she was pregnant. I asked her about it and though unmarried, she was very excited. I also found out she had another child as well, a son named Tudeski, who was about 9 years old at the time. That day I went out and started buying baby gifts for her. Apparently I was as excited as she was! I ordered a digital camera and had my mom and aunt bring it when they came for a visit. Every mother should be able to capture those special moments of her baby's life! I filled a diaper bag with all the goodies and we all went to Vintage for a delicious lunch and to deliver the gifts. Nova was nearly brought to tears. I later learned that I was one of two people who gave her a baby gift throughout her pregnancy. I can't even imagine that with all the fuss we do over mamas here in the States! After opening her gifts, Nova told me that I would name her baby! On one of the next visits, she told me that I would be there for the birth of her child!

Nova and I spent the next several months getting to know each other better. I would try to encourage her in her faith. I invited her to church and would often pick up her and her son to come with me. I would frequent Vintage as often as I could, take her out for dinner or to FHS, and spend time with Tudeski playing soccer with other kids. We even spent a weekend together at her grandparents' village a few hours away. I just as quickly fell in love with Ouma and Oupa as I did with Nova. By that time, the baby had finally decided to join us! On July 28, 2010 we were blessed with Baby Matthew! I named him after my brother. :)

Welcome Baby Matthew! :)

But all the above you may already know if you followed along with my adventures in Namibia. What I really want to share now is from my time with Nova in August...

If you are in ministry, as a pastor, missionary, or really any role where your desire is to help and influence people, you often wonder if you're ever actually making a difference. I often feel like my contribution to the world is a fraction of a drop in the ocean when I look around at all the needs around me. I spent 18 months in Namibia. Did I make a lasting impact? In the nation? No. In a city? No. In a community? Doubtful. In the lives of a few... or even one? Maybe. I certainly hope! And it wasn't until I took this return trip to Namibia that God revealed to me some of the seeds I did plant in fertile ground.

My friend Myra and Bruce picked me up from the airport when I arrived in Namibia. Their family was so dear to me during my time there. Myra knew Nova through my introduction. When I left, I asked her to check on her from time to time. I knew Myra was busy with her own ministries in Namibia, so I didn't expect her to spend as much time with Nova as I had. I was simply glad that others knew Nova and were around to visit her occasionally. One of the most difficult parts of leaving the mission field is wondering how our precious friends are going to continue on. They face so many challenges day to day. Will they stay strong in the faith? Will they go back to their old habits? It had been difficult to leave Nova and her family with all the unknowns ahead. And in the year and a half since I had left Namibia, I didn't know what to expect about how she had been doing.

On the ride from the airport, Myra began sharing about how God had been working in Nova's life. Several months after I left, Nova gave her life fully to the Lord. Myra was meeting with her weekly and they would study the Bible together. Nova began making some tough decisions in her life as she became serious about living for the Lord, including breaking off relationships that were holding her back, and standing up within her own family for Biblical values. With the help of a mentor in the church and another lady in her community, she started a weekly Bible study that is still going on today. She also recently began teaching Sunday School. I sat in the back of the car with tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat. I hadn't known what to expect coming back. Hearing these things was such a blessing to my heart! We went by Vintage that afternoon and Nova and I had a tearful reunion. It would have been special regardless, but after just hearing all that God had been doing in her life and how she had been so faithful and obedient, I was extra emotional... praising the Lord for His goodness! Myra didn't share all the details, as she wanted Nova to tell me more in person how God had changed her and is using her. What a blessed time we had catching up throughout the week and hearing how God had been moving the past 18 months! And Baby Matthew... well, he's not much of a baby anymore! He's a sassy toddler and as adorable as always!

My return to Namibia was a blessing in so many ways. But my time with Nova takes the cake! There is nothing more validating in ministry than seeing fruit from a seed you planted... especially a seed you aren't sure if it really took root to begin with. I am all the more aware that it is God who does the growing, but what  blessing to be used if even in the smallest way! (1 Cor 3:6-9) And I am so thankful for Myra, and Pam, and others who came alongside precious Nova and did the watering. Indeed, we are laborers together, sowing seeds, watering them, and trusting God for the harvest!

So I have to close with these hilarious photos!! During my last visit with Nova's family, I was sitting on the couch with Matthew and Tudeski. Matthew was on my lap and Tudeski was beside me. Somehow we started taking funny photos of Tudeski. I would show Matthew and of course he would have to try to copy them. Thus began quite an amusing photo session!!


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Katie said...

Wow! Loved reading this! So grateful to see the truth that God always finishes what He begins!

Lisa said...

I was so happy to read this story about Nova and her precious family. Do you remember taking Julie & me to meet them when we were in Namibia? It is such a blessing to see fruit from the seeds you planted!!! Rejoicing with you...

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