
Back From Mexico: What a Trip!!

I've found it difficult to know where to begin with talking about my trip. And I think a main part of that is because I'm not sure exactly how much everyone cares. For some people, it is probably sufficient enough for me to say, "It was great, thanks!" But I'm SO happy to talk about it to those who seem to sincerely be interested. So do let me know if you would like to sit down with an in-depth discussion about how God moved, what I saw, who we ministered to, changes in my own life, etc. And just so you know... GOD MOVED! And I saw and experienced things I couldn't have ever dreamed of. The people we ministered to were some of the most beautiful and inspiring people I have ever met. And my life was changed by the people, by the city, and by my obedience to the direction God called me to.

I am more than happy to ATTEMPT to explain my adventures to anyone who sincerely wants to listen. But honestly, like I will have to tell everyone, if you truly want to know what it was like for me... you must go out for yourself. And as you can probably tell by now, I mostly use pictures as the best tool for me to share my experience in Mexico. That way you can put a photo with a story, name, and all that good stuff. Plus, that's the most exciting way for me to recall the many memories! Spending so much time in one place, without the pictures, I probably would have forgotten a lot!

Quick sidenote: In case I didn't tell you before I left, most of our training camp time was spent mostly in Baton Rouge dealing with the Hurricane Relief efforts (the original plan was to be in Gainesville, GA for the entire week). I fell in love with that ministry while we were there! We spent our time at the River Center in downtown Baton Rouge serving the people in a variety of ways including preparing boxed meals, caring for the sick, serving food, taking orders for clothing and essential items, playing with children, and witnessing about Jesus. I honestly was scared to go to Mexico because I couldn't imagine God blessing me with another ministry I enjoyed and fit with as well as the one in Baton Rouge. I did NOT want to leave Baton Rouge, and for the first little while in Mexico (during some rough spots), it was all I could do not to run back across the border straight to Louisiana! But God opened my heart to Mexico, and I fell into an even deeper love for the people there... funny how God knows what He's doing, right?! :) So now I am back to the real world, trying to sort out God's next big plan for my life. As for right now, I did fall into a part-time job for a company that knows that I can make no long-term commitment, so that is a blessing. But I'm trying to get with God on these other things, like trying to figure out what God really has for me--because it certainly isn't this job or some other random and meaningless job! I'm trying to use my freetime to seek out some different options. Maybe it is urban missions type stuff like Baton Rouge, or maybe it's foreign missions like Mexico or Africa. Maybe it's both, maybe it's neither! Maybe it's teaching or coaching or mentoring here in East Tennessee. Can you see how this could get complicated and overwhelming!? But God is not the author of confusion and I refuse to allow myself to get overwhelmed by life and all the options because God tells me He has only ONE perfect will for my life and it will be found when I quiet myself from everything else. So praise God I can have peace in that truth! So for now, I am keeping my eyes, ears, and heart open to God's leading as I wait on confirmation from God on all of this. I want to make sure my motives come from Him and not from myself. Because I've realized that even in the ministry environment, sometimes you can be out of that Perfect Will... you can do GOOD things, but are they the BEST things chosen for you by God Himself? That is what I expect Him to reveal to me each new day.

Thank you for your prayers, support and encouragement for me while I was on this adventure. I will close this with one of the most significant lessons I learned while in Mexico, and I will word it so you can use it as a positive challenge for your own life...

Take time to reflect on how you spend and manage your time... Do the things you fill your time with have ETERNAL value?!

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