Feeding the Hungry

Yesterday Stacy, Shannon, and I set up a God-inspired “lemonade stand” for Las Granjas, undoubtedly one of the poorest neighborhoods in Matamoros. This free food event was in response to a burden on Stacy’s heart to bless these people by meeting their felt needs. Armed with little else but a pot of Ramen noodles, a few loaves of bread, some imitation Oreo cookies and hearts to serve, we set out in hopes to deliver a blessing to this community.

Word spread quickly as we set up our table. As many as 20 men, women, and children surrounded us at any given moment. Some lingered to chat, while some graciously accepted the food and went about their way. It is our desire to have this food ministry evolve into a regular activity for upcoming semesters, so that over time in building relationships with the families through this ministry, we will have the opportunity to share the bread and water that is Jesus Christ who can satisfy EVERY need.

“And Jesus said unto them, ‘I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.’” –John 6:35

Stacy and her precious friend.

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