A day of fun at Children's Hospital

On Monday morning I went with a group of three other ladies from church to Children's Hospital to throw a "clinic party". The whole idea for volunteering at Children's started with my friend Linda Cooper. Many of you have been praying for Linda as she is fighting ovarian cancer once again. Although seeing a friend going through such physical struggles is difficult, it has been a blessing to watch the journey of faith God has taken her on. Linda is one of the strongest women I know and she is a huge inspiration to me. She has a heart of gold, but I know it has been difficult for her to feel like she is making a difference in the lives of others because of how focused her cancer has caused her to be on herself. Children's Hospital came to mind as a place where she and I could volunteer and share some love with the children there. I proposed the idea to Linda and she was really excited about it. Two other special ladies, Phyllis and Cindy, jumped on board to join us for a fun day with the kiddos.

Volunteers are used in a variety of ways at Children's from room visitation to throwing parties for the children. The clinic party takes place in the waiting area of the Oncology and Hematology department. Children who come for treatments are in and out of the waiting room. We set up our craft at the table and any of the children (patients) and/or their siblings were welcome to join us. Linda had found this awesome craft idea and had brought all the supplies ready to be colored and assembled. We made spinning tops out of used CDs.

Although there were only a few children who joined us on Monday, we had a great time! If nothing else, we enjoyed fellowshipping together and meeting sweet Megan who helps coordinate the volunteers. We even found it therapeutic ourselves to color in the coloring book I brought! :) But the kids who joined us really made our morning. We had a couple four year olds, a boy and a girl, and they were adorable and quite hilarious.

We're making plans to go back and hope we'll have even more kids to entertain next time!

The photo above and CD spinners craft directions can be found by clicking here. And for more information about how you can volunteer at Children's Hospital click here.

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1 comment:

Scavenger hunt said...

Well, You have done a great work.. I am very happy to read your article, that children really deserve to happiness. You made them happy..

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