Updates on Granddaddy's condition

Since my last blog entry was rather intense and grim, I wanted to share recent improvements he has been making... in case you haven't been following along on Facebook or otherwise.

Here's the basic rundown taken from my daily Facebook status reports:

Thursday, August 12

Granddaddy is becoming more alert. He says he's hungry & thirsty. They'll start the feeding tube to alleviate his hunger. Nurses & doctor are pleased & of course it's a blessing to us. Him talking even just a little is a big improvement! He's still paralyzed on his right side & will start Physical Therapy. Losing mobility would be a huge frustration for him. This is great news for today but still lots to pray for.

Friday, August 13

Similar update as yesterday. Still some small but important improvements. Feeding tube is an irritation for him, so they will put it directly into his stomach. Hopefully that will be a simple and easy procedure. He needs nourishment! He's failing swallowing tests and is thirsty but can only have wet swabs. He nodded and smiled when a friend asked if he wanted to play golf and he told my aunt he loved her.

Saturday, August 14

Granddaddy is doing about the same. They have him on pain meds today so he wasn't as responsive. They are hoping his blood pressure will stay down so he can get off the drip and move out of ICU. Mom will be more at peace when someone can be in the room with him all the time. She has a lot on her with decisions for what his best post-hospital options will be (rehab, etc.). Thanks for continuing to pray.

Sunday, August 15

Same update as yesterday... still waiting on blood pressure to go down. He tries to talk some, but he really can't. He is recognizing family. He put his arm around Ramona (his wife) and pulled her to him and gave her a little kiss. Mom is heading back to Maryville for a few days and then will head back to Jackson end of week. We'll keep praying he continues to improve!

Monday, August 16

My uncle says they are hoping to move Granddaddy into a regular room today or tomorrow. They still haven't put the feeding tube in his stomach, and that may be part of why he can't speak (since it's down his throat). Rick also said Granddaddy could feel him touching his right foot. That's encouraging! They will do another swallow study soon. I know God is answering our prayers!

I'm still waiting to hear more about how he is doing today. When I talked to Mom earlier she said Rick mentioned Granddaddy was not as responsive today as he has been. Rick wanted to talk to the nurses or doctor to see why that was. I haven't yet heard the result of that conversation.

Again, thank you for continuing to pray. Granddaddy still has a long road to recovery, but I must keep trusting in God that He will!

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