WOTH Picture Praise

If you remember, WOTH (Women of the Harvest) is the organization that hosted the fabulous conference in Ghana that my missionary friends and I attended in March. They are busy with a number of projects and one of their weekly online publications includes "Picture Praise". Female missionaries all over the world submit their photos with Bible verses and WOTH selects one each week to send out to email subscribers. They also post "Story Behind the Photo" entries on their blog. Three of my photos were selected and have ran the last three weeks, including a "Story Behind the Photo" for each one. I'll post them here and have also provided links to view the blog directly and explore more of the great work that WOTH is doing all over the globe.

STORY BEHIND THE PHOTO: Picture Praise, 8/09/10

I work with orphans and vulnerable children in the township outside the capital city of Namibia. This little girl came to our center one day with her big brother. She would watch him as he played with the other kids and I could tell she wanted to join in the fun. When I look at all of these precious children, I hope for them a very bright future. Often, the first step in that direction is getting them to also have that hope within themselves.

STORY BEHIND THE PHOTO: Picture Praise, 8/16/10

After an incredible Transformational Development workshop, our minds and hearts were filled with new ideas and challenges. The group concluded our time together by taking a boat ride along the Okavango River. All was quiet and still as the sun set and we began to process what we had learned. My prayer: God, teach me how to give in such a way that positively transforms, without hindering, the Namibian people.

STORY BEHIND THE PHOTO: Picture Praise, 8/23/10

Meet Bredi. I found this adorable little boy joyfully running around in a village without a speck of clothing. This village has been created to teach about one of the many tribes in Namibia. While there are many real villages like this one scattered about the country, this was a unique opportunity to walk through the life and history of the Damara people. They welcomed us with song and dance and tried to teach us some of their craft making and hunting skills.

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