Our Responsibility begins with a Response


A while back there was an article in The Namibian about people living at a garbage dump not far from Windhoek. The same day I saw this article, I talked to my mom. She was going with my stepdad to drop some stuff off at the dump back home. I wondered what people back home would do if they found people living there just like they live at the dump here. Maybe there are some dumps back in the States where the poor gather. My guess is that the government would quickly find a way to clear them out... not that they would offer them any help, they just wouldn't let them "squat" there.

But here... this is life for many. When I lived in Mexico there were also dumps very similar to these where people lived and were desperate to find anything they could salvage. I could continue to share my thoughts from when I saw this article, or when I encounter similar poverty, living conditions, etc. But I think sharing the photos and captions will be enough. Take from it what you will. Just remember, it is our responsibility... yes, us, the ones who have the luxury of throwing out partly used (or even brand new) goods... food, clothing, and what not... to clothe, feed, and care for these who have nothing. Who are desperate for anything and everything. Please do not ignore this responsibility. Please join with me in first recognizing the needs around us, and then acting on them. Now that we have seen, we are responsible. Faith without deeds is dead. In choosing the title for this entry, I think its the first time I've actually paid attention to the fact that those two words share a lot of letters in common! If we are responsible for something, it requires action on our part. We can't sit around and do nothing. We must respond. We must consider the poor. We can't wait for someone else to do something. And I think that's so much of the problem today...

"Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?" (James 2:5)

"Blessed is he who considers the poor; the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble. The Lord will preserve him and keep him alive, and he will be blessed on the earth..." (Psalm 41:1,2a)

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