
Goodbyes on the pitch

pitch n. the term here (and in many other parts of the world) for soccer field

When I arrived here last July, Mick found out I was a soccer player and invited me to join a group of guys who play every Monday night. This became a pretty regular thing for me (aside from nearly a 6 month break at the beginning of this year due to my crazy busy schedule!). The last few months I've been there every Monday night except for when I was at the Himba village. Playing soccer with these guys every week has been such a huge blessing! And I've realized more and more just what a special blessing it's been. I'd say at least half these guys are middle-aged men. And for over a year of playing with them, I was the only female. And yet no one ever complained about my presence. Honestly, they treated me pretty equal to the rest of the guys. I have bruises to prove it! :) And I loved that! Lately a couple more women have joined us and that's been great too. But I am truly so grateful for these men who allowed me to play with them each week. They encouraged me. They coached me to be a better player. And they've become my friends and brothers.

It's been so interesting to look back on my time in Namibia and observe how different all of my experiences have been... from spending time with the kids at FHS, to visiting with my new friends and might-as-well-be family here, to traveling around this beautiful country, and kicking a soccer ball around with a great group of guys. But all of them add up to an amazing year and half with memories that will stay with me forever. It's pretty neat how God knows just what we need when we need it. For me, it was the opportunity to play soccer with these guys in the midst of all the other challenges that come with being a missionary in a foreign country. It gave my mind some rest for a couple hours a week and recharged me until Monday came back around.

Now it's time to find a pitch in East Tennessee...! :)

Most of the gang minus some = Jeff, Adrian, Felix, Hellie, and George to name a few...

Our usual pitch... Yes, there is some grass in Namibia! But a very little some!

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