
Goodbye FHS :(

Thursday was the last day of FHS. I have not been looking forward to this day. Saying goodbye to so many precious kids is no easy task. For now, I don't have any great words to sum up my experience at this place. I think I still have a lot to process as I look back on this last year and a half. Maybe in the future I'll write more about what my time at FHS meant to me, but for now... let me just do what I do best and share loads of photos from my last week at that special place! If you bought one of the FHS calendars you might recognize many of these faces.... And there are still plenty more for sale if you haven't got your copy yet! :)

Kaita is probably my most difficult goodbye at FHS. He's still so young and even though he said he understands I'm leaving, I don't know if he fully does. I will miss this kiddo tremendously, but I will continue to be his sponsor after I go and I'll try to correspond with him and send some goodies that way. (Kaita is on the cover of the calendar.)

Our creative writing class photo... most of them at least.

We received some donations from an American team that came on a mission trip and also from a South African family that moved back to South Africa. Loads of goodies to donate to the care team, the group of ladies in the community who regularly check up on the 450 FHS kids.

Hockey in Namibia! :) My stepmom sent these back with me for the kids. Field hockey is actually a popular sport here... ice hockey... not so much. :) These kids had a hoot with this friendly match!

Simson... What a little loveable troublemaker. :) He knows he's cute and knows that helps him get away with a lot of nonsense. (Simson is Mr. May.)

Petrus is Ouma's grandson. She is his primary caregiver. I've probably received more hugs from Petrus than from any other kid at FHS. He loves to give hugs and greet me first thing when I get out of the car. (Petrus is with Shihepo as the Mr. Januarys.)

I first met Paulus when he was in Falconer's class. He is just so adorable! Aside from the fact that he constantly comes up to me to say, "Give me one dollar," I love this kid and will miss him so much! (Paulus is Mr. April.)

Me and the roomies with all our sweet friends!

I am mostly including this one for you because the kid's face on the left is hilarious!

We packed some goodie buckets for the teachers and staff. Well, Daniel got a goodie toolbox. They were so delighted as they looked through all the gifts. I hope this small token really does express our appreciation to them for taking us in as family and teaching us as much as we taught them!

Junior, Queen's son. She's in the green shirt in the last picture. He's a sweet kid who doesn't say much. He and Kaita were the two who did the bike race a couple months ago. (Junior is on the calendar's cover with Kaita.)

Gift and Nessy, Elizabeth's twins. I said I would have a difficult time saying goodbye to Kaita, but these two come in right behind him. I love these girls! And I am blessed to say that they love me too! :) I look forward to staying in touch with this precious family and watching them grow up!

Here's Kaita with the Christmas goodies I gave him. Even when he's being a bit of a terror, you just gotta love this cute kid!!

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