
Time for one last safari...

If you remember from last year, there's one friend here in Namibia who I've known the longest...Margaux. We traveled here from the AIM office in Pearl River, NY. Margaux has been stationed in Rundu, which is about 8 hours north of Windhoek. We had planned to do something fun together for her birthday month in November, but she ended up heading back to the States in October so our plans had to be altered a bit. Thankfully, Namibia can cater to any schedule when it comes to activities. You can go as far as you want for an adventure, or stick closer to home if you're strapped for cash and time. We found ourselves in the second category.

We basically had one free night to have a mini-adventure together. I found a lodge not far from Windhoek that I felt could offer both relaxation and some excitement. This lodge offers a game drive and leopard and cheetah feedings. I'd yet to get a picture of a cheetah that wasn't behind a fence. Same with a leopard too actually.

We stayed in what's called a luxury tent, which was perfect for us. We met a nice couple from Germany and chatted with them for quite some time. They were very interested in our work here in Namibia and were definitely the friendliest people at the lodge.

We headed first to the leopard feeding. I do realize that these things are a bit contrived, and it's not as amazing as stumbling upon a big cat in the wild, but hey... I'll take what I can get! :) Here are some photos and a video from that. My video camera is not made for distance filming, so it's not super clear.

Next we headed for the cheetah feeding. This was pretty exciting as these large beasts were so close you could touch them. I never knew cheetahs made such a unique sound. Again, it's contrived and obviously they are tame enough not to eat all of us, but I still give kudos to the man with the meat. Our guide said that the biggest danger from these cats is that you can turn your back and they'll lash out with their claws. Ouch! Here are some photos and video clips from that...

After the feedings we headed for a game drive. I know I've posted photos of all these animals before, but it's been a while so here are some more! :)

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1 comment:

Jenni said...

I just showed the pictures & videos to my youngest son. You just totally made his day! =)
He says the man throwing food to the Cheetahs is crazy LOL

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