
My Very Happy Thanksgiving!

This is the first year I didn't celebrate Thanksgiving on the actual holiday. It seems like Thursday was so busy with other things that Friday was the day we chose to get together. Thursday was also the last day of FHS... more about that in the next blog entry.

Thursday night Candace, Heather, the Browns, and I did go for dinner at Thule Hotel. Though that wasn't a Thanksgiving celebration (Heather and Candace are Canadians), I'll share a couple photos because we did have a wonderful time.

Friday I was first invited to a dinner out with Cindy and the Browns. We had decided that with it being such a busy time (all of us are heading to the States soon for Home Assignment), eating at a restaurant would be a great alternative. After confirming my attendance for that celebration, I received a second invitation to share a meal with some Americans from New Song Family Church. I nearly declined as two meals so close together would be hard to swing. (I've also gotten rid of my car already, so traveling around is not quite as simple as it was before.) But I accepted that one as well and told myself I would eat light. Uncle Brownie, if you are reading this, I can see you shaking your head. He knows (he probably taught me!) that eating light... especially during the holidays, is not possible. And indeed, I went back for seconds! Dana had even made sweet potato casserole with sweet potatoes from the States! Wow! We had turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, green beans, corn casserole... even pumpkin pie! Oh yum! Afterwards, the kids had made a turkey poster and asked us to write what we were thankful for on the feathers. :) I wrote that I was thankful that God has blessed me family 8,000 miles away from my own and for having the opportunity to serve God all over this world.

A huge storm came as I was leaving the Engell's house, but that didn't stop us from continuing with our plans for the rest of the evening. Thankfully the torrential downpour (and even hail) stopped by the time we reached our destination, Amani Lodge. This lodge is about 30-45 minutes outside of town. I was really excited to go because I had heard all about this place. Honestly, I didn't think time would allow for me to be able to get to this place before I left Namibia. So when Cindy suggested it, I responded with an emphatic YES! Lodge food is always great, but I was really stoked about the fact that they have cheetahs there that you can interact with! Indeed, the food was excellent. Crab claws for a starter, grilled kudu for the main course, and an incredibly delicious strawberry pie for dessert. Before the meal, however, we had got to see the cheetahs. They have several cheetahs and lions, but they have a couple cheetahs that are "tame". One is 13 years old and the other is 10 months old. We got to see and pet both of them. What an experience!! The animal encounters that I have had in Africa are definitely at the top of my list of highlights from my time here! Now I'm only wondering if I can keep this wild animal encounter thing as a tradition every Thanksgiving! :)

This is the 10 month old. She was orphaned. The lodge owners got a puppy when they got her so that they could grow up together as friends. I wish I could have got a picture of them playing together. So cool!

I think I can guarantee none of you have ever seen this sign posted on a bathroom door!

The sunset was stunning as we sat down for our dinner... my second dinner... ;)

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