
The Jesus Film

Recently at FHS we had another Movie Day. Only this one wasn't at the cinema. Candace and Heather arranged for "The Jesus Film" to be shown at the center. They had previously made friends with some guys from Campus Crusade for Christ. Back in September they went with them to a village about 3 hours away to show the film to a couple tribes in that community. Two people accepted Christ during that weekend.

The guys came and set up the projector and screen. We showed it both to the morning and afternoon groups. We even invited their families to attend, but it was mostly just our kids who watched it. It was a great opportunity for them to "witness" the life of Christ according to the Gospel of Luke and open a dialog about what Christ did for us and how we can respond to that. For me, it was just a great opportunity to witness another ministry tool in action. I've heard about things like "The Jesus Film" from my time at seminary and through stories from other missionaries, so it's especially neat to be able to witness something like this while I'm actually on mission for Christ in a foreign country.

If you want to learn more about The Jesus Film Project go to www.jesusfilm.org or click here.

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