
Cape Town Bound!

Several weeks ago Cindy and Kitty invited me to join them on their trip to Cape Town. The trip was scheduled for the end of September. Cindy’s daughter, Brandi, was coming to Cape Town on a mission trip with her church, Brentwood Baptist (from Tennessee). They come every year and work with Living Hope, an HIV/AIDS ministry, life skills empowerment ministry, children’s ministry and more. It took me a while to make my decision to come on the trip, because I was very hesitant to ask for that time off at FHS. I finally decided that a trip like this would be a rare opportunity, so I took it. We left last Thursday, drove 10 hours to Springbok, South Africa, stayed the night, and finished with a six hour drive on Friday into Cape Town. Brandi had flown into Windhoek to spend some extra time with her mom and joined us on the trek to South Africa. The drive was beautiful and it was interesting to observe how we went from the greys and browns of the dessert, to the lush green grass, colorful flowers, orange trees, and wineyards of South Africa. I convinced myself that it looked a lot like Tennessee and the drive was even more pleasant for me! Moments like that road trip are when you feel the need to pinch yourself and ask, “Is this really my life?”

I ask for your prayers for safe travel as we begin the drive back to Namibia on Saturday (Oct 3) and arrive Sunday afternoon. The scenery might be a little more depressing on the return journey, as we will slowly watch everything die leaving South Africa for the desert! But I am looking forward to some great conversation with Cindy and Kitty (Brandi will be flying back with the Brentwood team on Saturday, please pray also for safety and ease for their travel). I cannot tell you how much of a blessing it has been to spend this time with three godly women. Our conversations have been nothing but encouraging, challenging, and I pray, God-honoring.

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