
For your viewing pleasure

Dad and Kelly gave me a wonderful little camera for Christmas and I need to be more intentional about using it. I pulled it out yesterday and got a couple short little videos of some of the children at FHS. This first one is of a few of them dancing. Moments before I was filming them play fighting, so in this video at first, Kaita (the little one) was play fighting until Petrus told him to start dancing. I only wish I could get a video of them giggling as I'm playing back the video for them. They were adorable!

This next video is of some of the students in Linda's class.

Finally, here's a video of a church in Babylon we attended our second Sunday in Windhoek. This was from their choir practice on Saturday. On Sunday, this small corrugated tin church was packed and there were 3 times as many singing in the choir, all in matching outfits. Of course I couldn't understand the words of the songs, sung in Luchasi, but I loved the music nonetheless!

I will continue posting more videos as I'm able. These were just randomly done. Next time I'll try to show more than just the children dancing and waving at the camera. :)

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